The Industrial Niche and Agglomerate Potential in Forming of Regional Industrial Community; the Intrinsic Stochastic Fluctuation Strength of the Athletics Performance of Collective Resistance Event 区域产业群落形成的生态位与聚集势集体对抗项目竞技表现形成的内在随机涨落力
But the fluctuating period in real estate industry is affected by the outer macro-economy policy and the inner industrial economy, which endows the fluctuation with history and economy meanings. 但房地产周期波动受着一定的外部宏观政策和内部行业经济的影响,给其波动赋予了一定历史意义和经济意义。
The printing wastewater is one of the hard-deal industrial wastewater in China because its high organic pollutant content, chromaticity, alkalescence and water quality fluctuation. The quantity of the printing wastewater is also large. 印染废水具有水量大、有机污染物含量高、色度深、碱性大、水质变化大等特点,在我国属于难处理的工业废水之一。
Second, informal finance closely related to industrial development, economic fluctuation and financial institutional arrangement. 第二,民间融资供求与产业发展、经济波动和金融体制存在高度相关性;
From 1977 to 2002, the industrial profit fluctuation has seen six cycles with the features of low level and big fluctuation. 1977~2001年间我国工业利润波动经过了6个周期,有水平低、波动大的特征。
The unreasonable industrial structure always results in the economic fluctuation. 一国的经济波动,往往受到产业结构转换的牵制,不合理的产业结构往往是经济波动的根源。
This article also introduces industrial sorting exponential change ratio to eliminate the influence that the stock market fluctuation has on exercise price on the exercise day. 与此同时,本文还引入行业分类指数变动率以消除股市波动对行权日行权价格的影响。
Experimental studies from industrial systems demonstrated that, fluctuation and correlation methods can be applied on non-spherical opaque particles, the precision are are within 10% and 8% respectively. 多处工业现场和自制两相流试验系统的测量结果表明,测量颗粒浓度和粒径的精度在10%以内,速度测量精度在8%以内,证明这种技术可以用于非球形、不透明颗粒的测量。
In view of the external trade, the degree of industrial internationalization in the coastal areas has reached a rather high level. Therefore, the fluctuation of international market will directly influence industrial development, or bring more opportunities to the industrial development in the coastal areas. 此外,从国际贸易角度看,沿海地区产业的国际化程度已经达到相对水平,国际市场的变动将直接冲击这一地区产业的发展,或从中获益。
Then it specifies the self-organization characters of High-tech Industrial System, such as openness, non-balance, stochastic fluctuation and non-linear function and so forth. 详细说明高技术产业系统的开放性、非平衡性、随机涨落和非线性作用等自组织特征,指出高技术产业系统演化过程是自组织的;
Thirdly, do positive study on Lanzhou industrial economic growth from the 4 aspects of economic structure, economic effect, economic fluctuation and economic progress degree of Lanzhou industry, and do overall evaluation. 再次,从工业经济结构、工业经济效益、工业经济波动和工业文明进步程度4个方面对兰州市工业经济增长质量加以实证分析,并进行总体评价;
The range of fluctuation in different industries is wider than that of fluctuations in the economy, which means that industrial fluctuation is different and leads to a risk dispersion effect. 各行业波动幅度均大于GDP波动幅度,说明行业间波动相关性各异,存在风险分散效应。
Industrial added value and gross output value fluctuations are weakly correlated with economic fluctuation in the corresponding period of time. But the correlation is much stronger in the long term than in the short term. 各产业的增加值、总产值与当期经济景气波动的相关性不强,但中长期比较短时段表现出更好的相关性;
Coal price is an important factor in the coal market, the fluctuation of which not only affects the supply and demand balance in coal market, adjustment amplitude of industrial structure and the fluctuation of other energy resources market. 煤炭价格是反映煤炭市场变化的重要因素,煤炭价格的变动不仅影响煤炭市场的供需平衡,而且也影响煤炭产业结构调整的幅度,同时还间接影响其他能源市场的变化。
As the "blood" of the modern industrial economy, the petroleum price has great influence on the stability and development of the global economy. So, it has important theoretical and realistic significance to study the factors which significantly affect the fluctuation of the petroleum price. 石油作为现代经济运行的血液,其价格波动影响着世界经济的稳定与发展,因此对于石油价格的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。
The existence of such a relationship is also confirmed through a comparative study on the industrial structure features of economic cycle fluctuation in the typical economically strong province Guangdong. 而对典型经济强省&广东省经济周期波动特征的比较研究证实了协同性和非对称性特征的存在,而且经济周期波动与产业结构调整之间的对应关系也很明显。
In industrial production, the application of non-linear and impact of electronic equipment bring a large number of harmonics, voltage fluctuation and flicker pollution to the grid, resulting in the reduction of power quality. 在工业生产中,大量非线性和冲击性电子设备的应用,给电网带来了大量谐波、电压扰动、闪变等污染,造成电能质量的降低。
But looking from the short-term, this question turned the industrial structure short-term adjustment question as well as the economic output fluctuation question. 而从短期来看,这个问题就变成了产业结构的短期调整问题以及经济总量的波动问题。
It will undermine the healthy development of industrial economy, increase the risk of aggregate economic fluctuation, and cause recession after the boom. The change of Economic growth pattern has been impeded by the excess capacity; finally will reduce the quality and efficiency of economic growth. 产能过剩在短期和长期都会对经济造成一定的负面影响,破坏产业结构健康发展,加大总量经济波动的风险,引发繁荣后的衰退,妨碍经济增长方式的转变,降低经济增长的质量和效益。
The industrial control computer is the core of this system; the high-voltage signals in base cylinder ignition coil and the fluctuation signal in fuel rail are collected by data acquisition card, ignition signal sensor, oil pressure transmitter. 系统以工控机为核心,通过数据采集卡、点火信号传感器、油压变送器等,获取基准缸点火线圈高压信号和汽油分配管压力波动信号。
Furthermore, we make a concrete analysis connected with the experience and the fact of different historical periods in China. Next, this dissertation explores the effect of industrial structure change on economic cycle fluctuation in China from the perspective of empirical analysis. 在此过程中,我们还结合我国不同历史时期的经验和事实进行了具体分析。接着,本文还从实证分析的角度探讨我国产业结构变动对经济周期波动的影响。
Today China has an initial reflect: widening economic gap; The slow process of urbanization; It is hard to adjust the industrial structure; the international economic fluctuation impact is tremendous. 这在中国当前已有初步体现:贫富差距过大;城市化进程缓慢;产业结构调整困难;受国际经济波动的冲击较大。
Fluctuating loads in the power system, such as the impact loads in the industrial production, will cause voltage fluctuation, reduce power factor, and shorten the service life of electrical equipment. 电力系统中的波动负荷,如工业生产中的冲击负荷,会造成电网电压波动及功率因数偏低,缩短电气设备的使用寿命。